Illumine | Relieve, Quiet, Comfort - Slow Wave


We're a team of creative people in search of being fully present in our craft. We think of mindset as the backdrop for the creative process, and there are many factors that contribute to mindset on a given day, in a given moment.

We made Slow Wave because we strive to discover our perfect mindsets for making our best creations. We're obsessed with serving creatives; with empowering people to stress less and play more, to experiment and discover, to try new things without the weight of expectation, to embrace failure, to understand that persisting past failure is the only path to making great things. There's no way around it.

At Slow Wave, we encourage you to trust the process, learn from failure and keep going, stay centered around the reasons you started, be confident, humble and kind.

It's easier to be creative when you're calm and centered. Our blends are designed with the bespoke needs of creative people in mind: to promote focus & flow, to ease anxious thoughts, to slip into sleep more easily. 

We've just designed our first product line with a solid collection of simple yet powerful products. We work to create blends that promote that irresistible feeling when time flies and your imagination flows freely into what you're making or doing. 


We made Slow Wave to offer you a better experience. We wanted to create high quality products in a transparent way that are effective, modern, and fun and that appeal to the needs of creative people. 

CBD has enormous potential to help people, and we believe it can be particularly powerful in the realm of creativity. As popular as it has become in the mainstream there are still pervasive misconceptions about what it is, what it does and what it's for. We're here to help change that. You can learn more on our blog any time. Our message is simple, and we stand behind what we say. We make effective, high quality, premium products that work beautifully and are a pleasure to use.


We offer a solution to the challenging and nuanced set of problems that is the human mind in a busy, modern world. Our calling to serve the creative mind arose out of a simple observation: it's easier to be creative and productive when your mind is quiet and confident. Stress, anxiety, depression and physical pain can make it extremely difficult for a person to focus and do creative work. It's our goal to alleviate these challenges, and to enhance the creative process.

And now we've got the bug. We're here to serve creative people. We're fascinated with promoting perfect mindsets for the creative process. Working on Slow Wave is a creative project in and of itself. And, we're dedicated to the pursuit of making stellar products that help people feel like the best version of themselves.